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In Earth Tank

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Earth Tank System Overview

For only $75 RDI can build a 4,200 liter “Earth Tank” for a rural family. RDI developed this innovative structure and is inviting visiting teams to come out and build these tanks for needy families.

How does it work?

  1. Gutters are added to existing roofs of houses. (Where needed, a metal roof is offered.)
  2. A PVC pipe is run from the gutter to the sphere tank.
  3. During the rainy season, the tank fills up, giving a typical family of 6 enough water for an entire dry season.
  4. Water is collected out of the spigot.
  5. (The water can also be sent through the clay filter system at this step.)
  6. Drink up!

PROS: Inexpensive, very easy to clean (no corners means less breeding ground for bacteria), enclosed design makes it hard for mosquito larvae and solids to contaminate the tank, light cannot get in which prevents algae growth and reduces food supply for dangerous pathogens, maximum structural strength with the least amount of materials, can be moved if necessary

CONS: Compared to other rural mass water storage structures? None. However, no system of clean water delivery is complete without education coupled with the technology.