Summary:Visiting teams may come and teach our specialized education programs in rural schools. (While teaching these programs other team members may have the option to build bathrooms.)
Specifics: Depending on the size of the school and the size of your team, a number of things can happen. Each example can be adjusted because nationals and translators can also perform extra duties as well. RDI will schedule the workload according to the size of your team.
- One or two teachers (with the aid of a translator) may lead a class in the lesson.
- Two or three puppeteers will be needed to do the puppetry for each lesson as well.
Therefore 5 team members can teach one (1 hour) class at a time. With 10 team members working simultaneously the visiting team can do two classes at a time and finish the entire school more quickly. 15 team members, even faster.
If there is an odd number RDI will use nationals from the RDI team to supplement the tasks. (RDI understands that things change, and any size of team will be used according to their ability and, of course, size.)
Each team of 5 (or so) will teach one class at a time with a translator.
How to prepare: RDI will provide the curriculum for the classes to the whole visiting team BEFORE they arrive to Cambodia. This includes instructions, the stories, the pre-recorded puppet program, and the routines for the magic tricks
Materials: Part of the cost to the visiting team is providing their OWN materials. While RDI does have access to many resources for their work, they do not have an abundance of anything. Teams will be expected to purchase the puppets and magic tricks (early) before arrival.
Rehearsal: Teams that have practiced the curriculum extensively prove to be far more effective than those who don’t. RDI will always be available and convenient for help of all kinds, but a team that is well prepared will be able to accomplish much more. Allowing well over a month for repeated rehearsals in preparation is expected before your arrival. (But don’t worry, it is fun!) The only complaint we have heard from teams who work at schools with RDI is that they wished they had practiced more.